New Plant of Orion Pharma Ltd.


The global landscape of pharmaceutical market is changing continuously with the rapid pace of innovation in terms of pharmaceutical technology, regulatory requirements and treatment options. To cope up with these changes Orion Pharma Ltd., is going to build one of the finest facilities for pharmaceutical finished products in south-east Asia. The facilities will be created in accordance with the 'Current Good Manufacturing Practices' standards of international regulatory authorities like USFDA, UK MHRA, Health Canada, Australian TGA, etc.

This new facility will be the biggest in the pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh in terms of investment, covered area, number of varieties of dosage forms to be produced as well as superb in terms of pharmaceutical technology, waste management, monitoring system and eco-friendliness.

In addition to manufacturing conventional products, this new campus will have dedicated facilities for manufacturing - Cephalosporins, biological products including blood products, pro-biotics, hormones, anti-cancer drugs and other biotech products, veterinary and herbal products.

Keeping in view Orion's vision of nurturing innovation, a dedicated Research and Development Centre will be established for developing new products and new dosage forms and place Bangladesh on the map of research driven nations.