1. Imatinib Mesylate (Enliven) is a novel medicine for CML patients. It gives hope to the hopeless CML patients.
To help the poor patients of CML, Orion Pharma Ltd. is running EPAP (Enliven Patients Assistance Program) which offers Enliven @ discount rates. EPAP is very successful and very much helpful for the patients of CML. This kind of humanitarian efforts to share Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is appreciable. I hope that in near future many companies will come to share their social responsibilities.
All Physicians and Hematologists can help the CML patients through EPAP project.
2. Discovery of Imatinib is one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in the history of medicine. Imatinib under the brand name Glivec has been saving millions of lives of CML patients' worldwide. Unfortunately Glivec (Imatinib) being a so costly medicine is beyond the reach of poor CML patients in Bangladesh. Orion Pharma Ltd. has come up with a gracious intent to fulfill the need of Imatinib at affordable price with same efficacy for these patients through the launching of Imatinib under the brand name `Enliven'.
American Max Foundation was running GIPAP (Glivec International Patients Assistance Program) for only very poor CML patients where they get this medicine free of cost. In this program only few patients are benefited. American Max Foundation stopped GIPAP project in Bangladesh after launching Enliven.
Being one step ahead on humanitarian ground, Orion Pharma Ltd. is running EPAP (Enliven Patients Assistance Program) from December, 2004. In this program the CML patients can get their Enliven at complimentary price. After starting EPAP project majority of CML patients are benefited throughout Bangladesh. Apart from business, this kind of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is highly appreciable. Nevertheless, I appreciate this program and hope the program will expand further.
3. Enliven (Imatinib) for CML is a magic drug. Most of the CML patients are highly benefited by using this drug. More than 80% patients get hematological remission within 1 to 2 month and about 50% have chance of getting complete cytogenetic remission. Once Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) was the only solution to CML but Imatinib and Nalotinib make the ways of event free survival. BMT is not always possible to do even where all the facilities are available; this is true particularly in developing countries like Bangladesh.
We feel proud for the Orion Pharma Ltd. who found the new way to help the mankind, not only considering business profit. They manufacture Enliven (Imatinib) and market at low price. They are also running a humanitarian program under the name EPAP (Enliven Patients Assistance Program) where all poor patients get their Enliven at subsidized price.
I congratulate and give thanks to `Orion' for such social commitment. I hope in near future they will extend their social commitment by bringing new anti-cancer drugs.
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