Oclazid: Each tablet contains Gliclazide BP 80 mg.
Oclazid MR: Each modified release tablet contains Gliclazide BP 30 mg.
Oclazid & Oclazid MR are indicated for the treatment of type-2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes when diet, exercise and weight loss have failed to control the blood sugar.
Oclazid ® or Oclazid ® MR should not be used in Juvenile-onset (type-I) diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic patients undergoing surgery; after severe injury or during infection and patients having hypersensitivity for sulphonylurea.
Dosage & Administration
Oclazid ®: The usual initial dose is ½ to 1 tablet (40 to 80 mg) daily, gradually increased, if necessary, up to 4 tablets (320 mg). Doses of more than 160 mg daily are given in 2 divided doses.
Oclazid ® MR: The usual initial dose is 1 tablet (30 mg) once daily, gradually increased, if necessary, up to a maximum 4 tablets (120 mg) daily. The drug should be taken at breakfast time.
Side Effect
There are generally mild and infrequent side effects including hypoglycaemia, gastro-intestinal disturbances, headache, skin rashes etc.
Care should be exercised with patients having hepatic and or renal impairment and a small starting dose should be used with careful patient monitoring. In long term clinical trials, patients with renal insufficiency have been treated satisfactorily using Gliclazide at reduced doses
Drug Interaction
Certain drug as such as aspirin, antibacterial sulphonamides, beta-blockers, diazepam, tetracyclines, miconazole may increase the hypoglycaemic effect of Gliclazide. Oral contraceptives, rifampicin, barbiturates, corticosteroids may oppose the activity of gliclazide.
Use Children
Oclazid ® or Oclazid ® MR is contraindicated in children and adolescents
Use Pregnancy Lactation
Diabetes can be controlled more successfully in pregnancy by insulin than by oral hypoglycaemic agents. Oclazid ® or Oclazid ® MR MR should not be used by breast feeding mothers.
Deliberate overdose may induce severe hypoglycaemia. This may need to be treated by an intravenous infusion of 5% glucose continued for 12 to 14 hours with frequent monitoring of the blood glucose level.
Oclazid ® Tablet: Each box contains 5x10’s tablets in Alu-PVC blister packs.
Oclazid ® MR Tablet: Each box contains 3x10’s tablets in Alu-PVC blister packs.
Store in cool and dry place at below 25 ºC, protect from light and moisture. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.